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FAQ For QF Plus + QF Master App
1. What is QF Master App?

QF Master is an Android App that comes with two credential verification methods. One is the face recognition, and the other is the QR Code.

2. What is QF Plus terminal?

QF Plus terminal is specially designed to perfect match QF Master App.

3. Since QF Master is an Android App, can we turn any of our standard Android smartphones into a verification terminal?


4. 您推荐的智能手机型号是什么?\ n

任何经济的Android智能手机都足以运行QF Master App。但是,如果您需要将智能手机安装在墙上,则可能需要向我们订购特殊外壳。请与我们确认智能手机品牌和型号的壁挂式外壳。

5. 如果将智能手机与FingerTec生物识别终端进行比较,面部识别性能如何?\ n

由于使用相同的算法,因此人脸识别性能相同。\ n

6. QF Master可以在空闲模式下自动检测运动并恢复到面部验证模式吗?\ n

否。目前,QF Master应用程序不支持运动检测,因为大多数Android智能手机或平板电脑都没有运动检测规范。但是,这是有可能的,因为市场正在不断生产具有最新规格和技术的更新智能手机,并且TimeTec将密切关注最新发展。

1. Is QF Plus comes standard with QF Master App?

Yes. QF Plus preloaded with QF Master App.

2. Any extra charges for QF Master App?


3. How about if we use our Android smartphones as a verification terminal?

Then you have to pay one-time license fee per smartphone. Please write to info@timeteccloud.com to check out the licensing fee.

4. QF Master App中两个应用程序的许可费用是多少?\ n

1.每台设备每年的QR Master许可证为RM80,用户可以无限次更改设备。
\ n2。第一年每台设备的QF主许可证每年为700令吉,用户只能更改(新设备或重置设备)两次。第二年,费用为每年RM 250。如果两次更换设备,则需要再次支付面部主许可证。例如,在第二年,您第三次更换设备,您需要支付700-250 = 450的差额才能获得新的Face Master许可证,该许可证对另外两次设备更改有效。

Cloud Applications
1. The QR code or face verification is suitable for some specific purposes. Let us know which applications we can integrate with QF Plus terminal?

1. TimeTec TA (www.timetecta.com), as a clocking tool for employees attendance.
2. TimeTec Access (www.timetecaccess.com), as an access control point for employees.
3. TimeTec VMS (www.timetecvms.com), as an access control device for visitors.
4. TimeTec i-Neighbour (www.i-neighbour.com), as an access control device for residents and visitors in a smart residential community environment.
5. i-TimeTec (www.i-timetec.com), as employee access control device for small office deployment.

2. You have two verification methods in your QF Master App. Can you recommend the best method in each of your cloud application?

1. TimeTec TA for attendance - Face Recognition
2. TimeTec Access for access control - Face Recognition
3. TimeTec VMS for visitor access control - QR Code or Face Recognition
4. TimeTec i-Neighbour for resident access control - Face Recognition
5. TimeTec i-Neighbour for visitor access control - QR Code or Face Recognition
6. i-TimeTec for SME employee access control - Face Recognition.

3. 订阅TimeTec Access可以使用典型的门禁解决方案(如Windows的生物识别技术)有什么好处? \ n

基于云的解决方案的优势是实时连接和集中化。由于安全性在业务中至关重要,因此安全系统不能孤岛运行。实时连接,集中化,监视和响应的能力是更好的安全系统的本质。现代世界中可靠且更好的安全系统必须具备管理日益增长的威胁的能力,集成的可能性,更多功能的能力以及更多功能。因此,借助云访问控制,我们可以从安全技术中获得更多收益。\ n

4. 我希望我的员工仅在QF Master上扫描单个QR码才能打开门。我该怎么做? \ n

出于门禁目的,您需要将QF Master应用程序安装到Android智能手机或平板电脑中,并且还需要访问TimeTec Access。在QF Master应用程序的首次启动过程中,您将看到一个显示在该应用程序上的移动ID。您需要在“ TimeTec访问”页面中插入移动ID,以创建新的QF主文件。一旦QF Master App连接到正确的TimeTec Access帐户,QF Master App UI将请求人脸识别许可证。如果您只想将QR Code与该QF Master一起使用,请点击跳过。点击确定以确认并继续。 \ n

5. 我的组织正在使用TimeTec Access监视进入我们场所的访问点,并且我们还使用TimeTec TA进行出勤。我在QF Master中的访问记录是否可以在TimeTec TA中转换为我的出勤记录?\ n

这取决于。如果需要,您必须在“ TimeTec访问”>“管理访问点”>“选择门”下配置设置,然后需要检查“ \ Attendance \”选项。启用此选项后,所有通过访问点的访问记录都将作为考勤数据推送到TimeTec TA。请注意,仅在使用Face Master时,出勤数据可用。 QR Master数据将不被视为出勤数据。

6. 为什么人脸识别方法比QR码更相关? \ n

Face Master包含生物识别技术,具有更高的安全性并获得更好的用户体验。\ n

Access Control
1. I can't imagine how a door can be opened by using a smartphone or QF Plus terminal powered by QF Master App only. Can you explain it?

By using QF Master App powered smartphone or QF Plus terminal alone, you can’t open a door, you must pair the smartphone with TimeTec BLE-2/BLE-5 Bluetooth controller. Other door lock accessories like EM lock, key switch, push exit button also required.

2. Is TimeTec BLE-2/BLE-5 controller a compulsory to use QF Plus for door access?


3. Can QF Plus device also control other access control points like turnstiles and barrier gates?


4. If I install 2 QF Plus terminals (in and out) for one door, how many TimeTec BLE-2/BLE-5 controller I suppose to install? One or Two?

Just one TimeTec BLE-2/BLE-5 controller is required.

5. Can I still open door if the Internet is down?

Yes. Because QF Plus + BLE-2/BLE-5 are using Bluetooth to communicate. The only shortfall is the transaction activities will keep in the Face Master App but not the cloud server until the internet back to normal.

6. The mobile network at my premises is unstable, can the QF Master recognise users in case of connection loss?

Yes, the QF Master has an Offline mode.

7. 我的房屋中的移动网络不稳定,如果连接断开,QF Master是否可以识别用户? \ n

是的,QF Master具有离线模式。但是,在您到达离线站点之前,该应用程序必须连接到Internet和云服务器以收集用户数据和访问权限。下载过程完成后,QF Master可以根据存储的面部模板,访问权限和QR码来验证用户。要启用离线模式,管理员必须在TimeTec Access下配置设置:TimeTec Access Web>管理访问点>允许离线模式>设置为是。请记住,当QF Master处于脱机模式时,它无法从云服务器接收用户组和访问权限的任何更改,并且不能将任何访问记录/出勤记录上传到云服务器。\ n

8. 我们的员工正在使用QF Master进行访问。但是,他们需要按下按钮才能切换到面部识别或QR码扫描。 QF Master是否可以在无需人员按下按钮的情况下自动检测该方法?

不幸的是,QF Master无法做到这一点。对于智能手机相机而言,将图像作为QR码进行对齐仅在某些特定Android智能手机的后置相机上可用。 QF Master正在使用不支持此功能的前置摄像头。\ n

9. 在监视页面下,我只能选择仅对按楼层访问的用户进行监视。我可以选择多个接入点,建筑物或楼层吗?\ n

\ n现在,监控页面会在一个位置在一处建筑物中显示位于一楼以下的所有设备,以加快响应速度。要从多个位置查看访问记录,管理员可以使用“访问记录”选项卡。但是,他必须按刷新按钮才能获取最新的访问记录。

Storage & Face Template
1. Where is the storage of all the transactions kept?

The transaction data or activity logs of QF Master App saved in the cloud server.

2. What kind of local data stored in QF Master App?

The QF Master stores individual face templates, access records and access permissions inside its local memory. During operation, a QF Master recognises users based on the face templates stored in the local memory to determine access permission. The QF Master connects to the cloud server from time to time to update user listings and access permission. At the same time, the QF Master stores individual user's access records and sends them to the cloud server intermittently.

3. How easy is it to register a face template registration? Where are those templates stored? Are they safe? Can they be manipulated for other purposes?

The face template registration is a breeze, can be completed in less than a minute for one person. There is no image taken of your face. However, several points from your face strategically tabulated and calculated using a proprietary algorithm and stored in each device for use during verification. The templates are safe and not susceptible to reverse engineering; hence, they cannot apply for other purposes.

4. How many face templates can we store in one smartphone or a QF Plus ?


5. 如果将智能手机与FingerTec生物识别终端进行比较,面部识别性能如何?\ n

因为使用了相同的算法,所以面部识别性能是相同的。 \ n

6. 使用QF Master比标准终端安全吗?为什么?\ n

是。 QF Master App始终与云应用程序配对。例如,对于访问控制解决方案,TimeTec Access是更安全的选择。当您可以实时访问和查看发生的情况并立即获得有关安全问题的通知时,纠正过程可以立即进行。数据的集中化和实时监控也将安全性提高到另一个层次。\ n

7. 使用QF Master的其他好处是什么? \ n

1.当QF Master智能手机闲置时,可以将其设置为播放您的商业广告。
\ n \ n2。由于您将应用程序加载到智能手机中,因此硬件很熟悉,因此您可以放心地对其进行处理。
\ n \ n3。该安装是无线的,或需要的布线最少。
\ n \ n4。易于软件更新。

8. 我可以锁定该应用程序,以便壁挂式智能手机不会被任何随机的陌生人弄乱吗?\ n

是的,您可以下载第三方Applock以防止访问智能手机。此外,我们特别设计的外壳将保护智能手机免受恶意破坏,并阻止不必要的手机使用。 \ n

9. 我们正在使用Android智能手机来运行QF Master,以获取出勤和访问记录。如果有人更改智能手机中的日期和时间怎么办? \ n

当智能手机连接到Internet时,必须将其设置为在设置过程中遵循Internet时间,并且管理员必须安装Applock应用程序以限制对手机设置的任何未经授权的访问。 \ n